Wednesday, November 18, 2015


The Amalfi Coast is known, among other things, for its Yellow Gold, aka Lemons. Hard to imagine but absolutely true!
To people there, lemons are more than just fruit: they represent one of the key elements in the local economy, second maybe only to tourism. Throughout the centuries, the abundance of lemons has had a significant impact on culinary traditions and flavors and even on medicinal remedies.

Lemons that grow in the Amalfi microclimate are called Sfusato Amalfitano, due to their elongated shape. They are characterized by a sweeter taste and a thick skin which allow the fruit to be eaten or used in its entirety, peel and all.

Many local dishes feature lemons in their preparation, ranging from a simple lemon salad to delicious pastries like Delizia al limone, lemon profiteroles and Torta Caprese al limone (Lemon Caprese Cake).

Lemons and Limoncello are also the main ingredients of the traditional Amalfi Lemon Cake, featured here.
As you will not find Amalfi lemons in the US, please, always use organic lemons for this recipe.
The best Limoncello can be shipped right to your doorstep by ordering from my friend Salvatore Aceto, right in Amalfi!! And if you happen to go to Amalfi, visit his lemon grove located right in the heart of the village!


200 gr of butter
200 gr of sugar
100 gr of bread flour
100gr of all purpose flour
3 eggs
lemon zest from 3 organic lemons
1.75 oz of Limoncello
a splash of cold milk
16 gr of baking powder

For the syrup:

the juice of three lemons
250 gr of sugar

In a mixer, whip together the butter and sugar. Add one egg at the time, while mixing. Sift the flour and add it one spoonful at the time. Add the limoncello, a splash of cold milk, and the lemon zest. Continue to mix and scrape off the sides, if needed. Add the baking powder. Mix well for a few seconds and transfer to a  previously buttered and floured bundt cake pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 350F for about 30 minutes.

In the meanwhile, make the syrup by bringing to a boil the filtered juice of three lemons and 250gr of sugar. Stir frequently. Let boil for about one minute on medium/low heat and remove from heat. Let cool down a bit.

When the cake has finished baking, let it cool down for 15/20 minutes. Then,  with a spoon, wet it with half of the syrup, while still in the baking pan. At this point, turn it upside down on a serving
plate, and evenly wet the top with the remaining syrup.

Serve at room temperature. Do not refrigerate (not even left overs).